Monday, October 26, 2009

Calm Like A Bomb

U2 came in to town last night. I've never really been a U2 fan, but I've always respected their talent and The Edge as a guitar player. These photos were taken just down from the Rose Bowl. I didn't attend the concert but I did watch the YouTube feed which was actually damn good. I'm a bit more of a U2 fan now than I was before hearing the live footage. Those guys are pro. They been doing it for a long time and like Aerosmith, musically they just sound perfect live and that is not so common. I like many bands that I am sure sound like a train wreck live onstage without overdubs and a click track. I can never help but try to picture what that must be like--to be a rockstar. On their level. When I was a guitar student doing juries at the end of every semester, I could never shake the shakes. I'd get painfully nervous performing in front of anyone. Even if it was one person. I still do. When I started writing and recording original music I would turn red in the face and start to get all clammy just playing a damn cd for someone. It isn't cool. I used to picture another me standing next to me and try to coach-"dude, why you so nervous? There's no reason to be nervous! You kick ass! This piece of music is nothing! Shred this bitch and lets go find some woman!"

It never worked.

But I did find me some woman. Yes, sir.

Music can be rewarding that way--until they figure out your most likely never going to be one of those few that say, get to be in U2 for a living.

Those are hard lessons.

Music has empowered me to do some things I never thought I could. But my absolute lowest of lows in life are also tied to it.