Thursday, September 13, 2012


Here we go folks. Thailand, the smut capital of the world? Try being a single man telling people your going to "Bangkok" and the last bit of info on their brain is "Hangover 2!" -You fucking moronic piece of shits. Predictable. These are the same people that would actually do a Hangover 2 "tour." This is why I want to travel outside the path. People who do not go out of their comfort zone are not only god-awful boring, but also ignorant. One of the last qualities to have should be ignorance. 

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Mental Health

Yes. Mental health. Very important this one. Are you stable? Do you need a fix? Your meds, are they working? How's your sobriety?

5:45am - "time for your vitals, can I take your blood pressure please? Just stay in bed. Okay breakfast in 10mins!"
6am - "Wake up! Time for breakfast! Come on wake up!"
7am - "Meds! It's time for meds! Line up!" (I affectionately refer to this as 'the med truck' - portable station complete with the mornings meds...) Vitamins, Paxil, Buspar.
8am - "Stretching class! Come on time for exercise!"
9am - "group therapy! Patio is closed people - time for group therapy! What are your goals for today?"
10am - personal time = NAP!
11am - snack time - 'open patio, please - fresh air...maybe?'
12pm - "lunch!"
1pm - "Robert! Buspar!"
2pm - game of 'bullshit' with my schizophrenic friends - they, I must say, are some of the rarest folks I've ever met...
3pm- "snack time!" -really? Who the fuck eats this many times in one day?
4pm - Arts & crafts! Come on!!! (oh Gawd how GAY!...)
5pm - personal time: "Robert, Buspar!" -game of makeshift basketball with my roommates. It's like the college life I never had.
6pm - "Dinner!" -eww, same shit - chicken, over steamed veggies, mashed potatoes, juice, soda, bread.
7pm - "Patio is open!" - visiting time in 1/2 hour!
7:30-8:30 - visiting time - Diana visits me everyday for two weeks - fucking Saint, this girl...
8:30 - "visiting time is over! Patio is closed!"
9:00 - closing meeting: "did you accomplish your goals for today?"
10:00 - "meds! Robert! Come on!!!! -buspar, depakote (1000 mg).
10:30 - "lights out! Bedtime!"

They check on you every 15 mins. throughout the entire night. Flashlight in the face, making sure your not bedding a local lady on the floor while she's supposed to be refining her, dysfunction. Wanna be an adult and feel like a child? - check in to the mental health hospital for a couple weeks. You might actually like it. I did.

I decided it was time to take some time out. I checked myself in to a mental institution. And, I met some of the best people I could hope to ever spend time with. A two week adventure, that I volunteered for - I ACTUALLY LOVED IT.

Okay, okay! I tore up my apartment. I may have broken some glass, and punched a door to it's measly death - maybe sliced up an arm or two with a knife and showed up at the E.R. with a .2 alcohol level while still able to match wits with the doctor that was telling me I shouldn't even be able to hold a conversation. Yeah, I did all that. So what? At least I didn't use a chainsaw like one of my best pals I met in the hospital - that's hard core! A chainsaw? Really?